Saturday, July 26, 2008

The last few days have been tough one's

First, I don't get to many comments from readers on my blog, but I do get several e-mails from you all and I want to thank everyone for writing to me.

The last few days have been really tough. I wrote previously about what a good weekend I had last weekend and I did some yard work, etc. Well, Monday and Tuesday were OK, but it's been down hill ever since.

I guessing it's fatigue, but I'm not liking it. I was looking so forward to feeling good the week before my next treatment, like I did last time, but it's not happening this time. I wasn't expecting to feel like this so soon, if at all. I've been tired, depressed, emotional, tired, depressed, did I mention tired?!?!?

I hear that some people kind of breeze through all this and others don't. I just didn't think I would be one of the "don'ts"!!

I know the side effects can be different after each treatment, but I gotta tell ya, I can't imagine feeling like this for the next few months!!

On a good note . . . . we got the last of my hay today. I'm good to go for another year. Boy, that is such a relief, I just can't tell you how great it is to not have to worry about that. The last 2 weekends we had some helpers, but today it was just Rick, Chelsea and me. I didn't do much, I wanted to but Rick wouldn't let me and I probably couldn't have done a whole lot . . . except I did help put bales on the hay ladder toward the end when Rick and Chelsea were getting pretty wore out. That hay ladder is the best dang investment we've made . . . I just don't know how we would have done it without the hay ladder, especially with 100# bales, which is what we had today . . . . 80 of them!!!! I guess we just wouldn't have been able to do it, those puppies are HEAVY!!!!! I thank Rick and Chelsea so much for all the hard work they did for me and my horses!!

I hope you are all having a good weekend!!
Keep Smilin'

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