Monday, February 23, 2009

Ultrasound and other procedures . . .

Hello Everyone,

Last week was a busy one for me. First I had been having problems with my stomach for a while and not surprisingly the specialist wanted me to get a colonoscopy. Although not at all thrilled with the idea I had this procedure done. Everything is fine with my insides, he could not find a thing wrong, so that is great news. Also, for anyone who has not had this procedure but may in the future . . . it's not a big deal at all. They say the prep is the worst . . cleaning out your colon!! I know it's different for everyone, but it was not bad for me at all. And I don't remember a thing about the procedure. I think the worst part for me was the gas pain when I woke back up. They fill you with air to open things up and get a better look. They don't let you leave until you've passed some of this air. Once things got to moving around inside me and I was able to get rid of some of the air I felt much better.

I also had an ultrasound of my right breast a couple days later. This was a follow-up to check on a small cyst they saw during a procedure while getting me ready for surgery last year. The ultrasound turned out well and everything looks great. I go in April for a mamogram.

Several of my family members have had really bad colds. They are better or are getting better but now I think I'm getting it. Have had a small sore throat the last couple days and now it hurts when I cough. WOW, it just seems like it's constantly one thing after the other!!

I'm so tired of medical stuff!!! I'm in the process of psyching myself up to be healthy and have much more energy. I'm going to work on this for a couple of days and then go for it and try not to let things get me down!!

I go Friday for my monthly blood work and visit with my oncologist. I'll let you know if anything new comes up.

Keep Smilin'

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Great News . . . no oral surgery needed!!!

Well, I went to the oral surgeons yesterday morning for my appointment to get my gum's opened up and the bone shaved!! I did not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before as I was instructed . . . and people you got to know how hard it is for me to not have my morning coffee!!

The gal took me back to the doctors office, he sat me in a dental chair and looked at my mouth. He said that things are healing up very nicely and that there is no need for any surgery!! Well, I can't tell you how great that was to hear!! Now I didn't have to worry about the pain, having only liquids for who knows how long, etc.

With a big smile on my face my hubby and I got back in the car and he headed toward the closest latte hut for me to get my double shot vanilla latte!!

Now after the excitement of all of this wore off I began to wonder . . . . it only took the dental surgeon 2 minutes to look at my mouth and decide that surgery wasn't necessary. Wouldn't it have been a lot easier, especially on me, if he had scheduled a quick "look see" visit to determine if surgery was needed BEFORE scheduling the surgery?!?!?!?!?!?

I may have to write them a nice letter and mention this to them. The more I think about it, the more it bothers me. I rearranged my life because of this planned surgery. My hubby bought me extra liquid stuff to eat and drink from the store, etc. It's not a small deal if you think you are heading into a couple of weeks of not being able eat and or talk very well and what ever else having your gum bones shaved could cause!!

But, with each bite I take and each thing I've done yesterday and today that I thought I wouldn't be able to do, I am very happy that it didn't have to happen :)

Keep Smilin'