Friday, July 4, 2008

Hair Loss, Buzzers, Scarves & Wigs

Well, I have to say that I am a bit amazed at how quickly my hair was coming out. This morning it was getting pretty thin, I could even see my scalp in some places. I had to run errands and I put on my "Tough Enough to Wear Pink" ball cap. I gotta say that even with that on, the hair on my neck was pretty thin and not looking too good. I realized that I would not be able to go anywhere without a hat or something on. Later today it was even thinner and I realized it was still going to look bad even with a ball cap on.

So this evening I did what I've heard most women do at this point . . . . I buzzed my head!!!!!

As I stood in the shower washing my scalp and looking in the mirror I thought . . . every woman should experience this at least once in their lifetime.

Boy I have to tell you that this was quite the experience. I was handling it pretty well until I went outside and told Rick that I don't think I'll be leaving the f^()+#%%$$ house for a long time and then I started crying. He was a real sweetheart about it and gave me a big hug and said it's all going to be ok. I had a scarf on so he hasn't seen it yet and honestly I'm really worried and scared about him seeing it. I said that he doesn't know if he might freak a little when he actually sees it, but he said that he won't. Later he came in the bedroom where I was pouting, came over and gave me another hug and kiss and said we could get me an eye patch and I'd look like a pirate!! (because of the scarf I am wearing). I have to say that it did make me laugh, so it was a good thing. I'm still not to sure about leaving the house though!!

I've said many times that I think I'm more of a scarf & hat person than a wig person, but I may have to take that back. I was looking at wigs online last night and I was really surprised at how nice some of them looked. I could have a hair cut and style that my natural hair could never have done. I'm actually looking forward to the possibility of getting a really cool wig. But I also want to get good at putting on and wearing scarves. I found a great pattern today that has about 5 different scarf/hats to sew, they are perfect for what I'm needing.

It's going to be tough but plan to have Chelsea take some pictures of me this weekend. I might cover my face or put on sunglasses or ??, but want to be brave enough to post pictures on here of me as I go through this.

It's been a long day and I'm tired so I'm going to watch TV and hopefully go to sleep soon.
I hope you all have a great 4th of July!!!
Keep Smilin'

1 comment:

Marriah Patterson said...

Way to go, Aunt Wendy!!
love you!