Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Wednesday - Oct 8, 2008

WOW, I can't believe it's Wednesday already!! I went in yesterday for my Neulasta shot and boy am I feeling it today!! Feels like I've been in another train wreck . . . and they question my wanting pain pills . . . . please give me a break!!

Everything hurts from my eyeballs to my toes and I have a sore throat too!! My nail beds are hurting so I'm sure that means more nails will start separating from the beds. Oh and my mouth . . . it hurts more than usual and eating dinner was a little rough tonight. And I'm getting another yeast infection and another very painful cyst in my groin area. Oh the joys of chemo and all that goes with it . . . . I guess I'm just getting the double whammy of side effects since this was my last treatment . . . .I'm going out with a bang!!

BUT . . . . it's the last one, the last one, the last one, it's the last one, the last one, the last!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't wait for the day that I feel half normal again . . . . I can only imagine how great that is going to be!! Just FYI, there are people who have the side effects from chemo hang on long after they are done with chemo. I don't plan to be one of those, but just thought I'd throw that out there.

I'm going to soak in the tub and hope it helps my poor body to feel a little better.

Keep Smilin'

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