Saturday, September 20, 2008

Always something NEW and not always good!!

Yesterday was BAD!! For the first time in all of this I got nauseous and threw up!! I woke up, sat up and had an incredible headache. Within a couple of minutes I was heading to the bathroom feeling like I was going to get sick. Well, I did. there was not much there, mostly dry heaves but it was not fun. I was freaking out a little bit, first time to experience this. I was feeling awful but my head was killing me so I took 1 ibuprofen and 1 anti nausea pill and hoped I wouldn't end up throwing them up. I went back to bed and laid their for while. About an hour later I was RUNNING for the toilet again!! Oh man, I thought after all this time that this was just crazy!! Also for the last couple of days my ankles and feet have been swelling up. Also the bone pain from the neulasta shot was throbbing in my pelvic area!!! I was supposed to go to town and get blood test done but I was not feeling like I could make it. I called and left a message for the nurse to call me. Rick came home and I gave him a hug and just started crying. I'm really not liking this crap. He said he'd take me town later, if I needed to go get the blood work done. The nurse called and we talked for a bit. She said it was day 9 and my white blood cell count should be at it's lowest so it would be really good to get the test done if at all possible. It would give them something to work with in case I got any worse feeling. She said to keep track of my temp and if it goes up to call the doctor!! Well, I'm glad to say that I did not get nauseous for the rest of the day :) Today I woke up about 5:30am. I had coffee with Rick and then I went back to bed about 6:30-7am. Next thing I know Rick is in the bedroom checking on me. I finally woke up enough to look at the clock and it was 4pm!!!!!! Oh my goodness, I still can't believe I slept that long and especially since I still feel exhausted. My whole body is sore and kind of tingles. My back hurts, my eyes want to keep closing, I'm weak and I'm also sick and tired of feeling like this!!!!!!

Even though I'm not feeling nauseau any more I am taking my anti nauseaus pills, just to make sure!!

My neighbor lady came over the other day and brought me some roses, a cake and some tomatoes she had grow. People can be so very nice and I thank them dearly!! A couple days later I took the roses outside and took some pictures of them and took some more of my flowers too. So I have some new flower pics to share with you. I hope you enjoy them.

Keep Smilin'
This is a card I'm giving to the neighbor, featuring the roses she gave me.
This is a Bachelor Button with a water color effect

This is a poppy with a rough pastel effect

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