Thursday, January 8, 2009

Stomach Problems and Frustrations . . .

Hello Everyone,
I'm having a tough day and wanted to write about a few things. My stomach has been giving me some real problems over the last week or so. I thought it was because of the "study" pills I was taking, so I stopped taking them. Now I'm not so sure they are the cause. I've got a call into the doctor to discuss this further and see if something else might be causing it.

I just found out that one of my dear friends sister recently passed away from cancer. It started out as breast cancer and then spread to other areas. I just saw and spoke with this woman a couple of weeks before Christmas!! This makes me so, so sad and very mad too.

Today I found out that one of my online friends sister is also loosing her battle with cancer and has only days left to live.

One thing about having cancer is that you meet so many people who either have it, had it, or someone they know does. This is not a bad thing as these people become another part of your life, another extension of family so to speak. The bad things is that the more people you know who are dealing with cancer, then the more people you know who loose the battle.

This breaks my heart and pisses me off to no end!! And then I also feel bad about any whining I may have done about my situation, which has not been easy, but compared to others, I'm sure it's a walk in the park.

It just all seems so wrong, so wrong!!


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