Saturday, January 3, 2009

Post Treatment Dr Visit

Hello there,

Yesterday I saw the doctor, or rather the doctors Oncology Nurse. It was my first follow-up visit since being done with all the treatments.

The good news is that my blood work is all looking very good. I have to have blood test every month, both for cancer reasons but also because of the study drug that I am taking.

This last week has been a rough one for me. I'm calling it post treatment depression!! Treatment is over and I want to feel all better!! The problem that I have to come to grips with is . . . it just doesn't work that way!! It's very frustrating because I still have no energy and worse, I have no motivation. I just don't feel like doing a stinkin' thing!! But at the same time I get terribly bored. Then when I do try to do something it totally wipes me out and that causes me to get frustrated.

We've had incredible, amazing, ridiculous amounts of snow all ready this year. My first hose for watering the horses got buried when my hubby shoveled off the roof, so we pulled another one out of storage. I put it on top of the giant snow barrier that came off the roof, where I thought it would be safe. Well it might have been if it hadn't warmed up, rained and melted some snow, so it all got heavy and settled and then it snowed on top of it again. So a couple of days ago I had to water horses and my hose was buried again!! My hubby has been outside for weeks plowing driveways, shoveling off roofs, plowing driveways, again and again, so I wasn't going to ask him for help, plus he was at the time doing some MORE plowing and shoveling!! So I got the snow shovel and proceeded to dig out my hose. WOW, it was really buried and I thought I wasn't going to be able to get it, but I finally did. By the time I was done I was so exhausted and felt like I was going to have a heart attack!!

This is really sad and hard for me to accept much less admit!! On another cancer blog that I'm a member of I mentioned that I feel like a lazy bum and boy did I get my butt chewed by the other cancer patients and survivors on there!! They told me to not be so cruel to myself and to give myself more time to heal . . . my body has been through an awful lot!!

So yesterday I was talking to the nurse about some of this and how I've been feeling and I wasn't very thrilled when she said "it could take months". Ugh, not what I was wanting to hear!! I know it's different for everyone and some might bounce right back and others take longer. I just would have thought that I'd be in the "bounce right back" category!!

So that is the latest on me. I've been working on my business website, making some changes and updates and getting ready for the new year. I will start to contact some people and start booking work for this summer. It's hard for me to imagine doing this while I'm feeling like I do, but I have to believe that by the time I start shooting shows, etc., that I'm going to be feeling TONS better!!

I want to wish you all a Happy New Year!!!


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