Sunday, January 18, 2009

Winter Photography

Hello Everyone, I hope your New Year has gotten off to a good start. Not much new going on with me. My stomach problems have gotten a lot better, but I'm still having some, so I plan to call my doctor tomorrow and go in and see what she might think of this. I participated in a short online photo course on Winter Photography. Everyone in the class had about 2 weeks to go out and take photos of winter. Then everyone could upload their 2 best images to be critiqued and the chance to win the grand prize, a gift certificate for The instructors said that there were so many wonderful images that it was hard to pick just one winner, so they decided to choose 5 runner-ups as well. I'm very excited and happy to say that one of my images was chosen as a runner-up!! They will be posting the winner's images and info in a press release that they send out to tons of people over the internet. Below is my winning image!!

Frozen in Motion

Here are the other two that I entered as well.

Tree in Fog

Snowy Sunset 3

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