Thursday, October 16, 2008

Feeling a little sick, but not chemo related.

I started not feeling too good earlier this week. My left ear and the side of my neck was hurting. On Wednesday I decided it was time to see the doctor. I tried to see my primary doc but she was all booked up. Before heading to the ER I decided to call the cancer center and spoke with a nurse about what I was feeling. She wanted me to come into the office so the doc could take a look. I had to go in for blood work anyway and then I saw the doc after that.

I really thought I had an ear infection because my ear was hurting so much, but it turns out my ears looked great. About half way down between my left ear and my throat, I have a very tender spot, which I figured was a swollen lymph node. The doctor sent me for an ultrasound. He wanted to see if maybe it was an abscess or anything else that we needed to worry about. The ultrasound showed that it was indeed a swollen lymph node. I just can't believe how painful this thing is . . .I've had tender lymph nodes before, but nothing like this. It hurts when I swallow because it's moving the muscles next to it, and the pain is radiating out and that is what is causing my ear to hurt. Besides a little stuffiness, I have no other symptoms of being sick, so we are not sure what is causing this. The doc does not want to put me on antibiotics yet since he's not sure if I really need them or not. He did say it was good that I came in and if it gets any worse or I get any other symptoms to let him know right away.

It just seems like there is always something!!!! Tomorrow is 2 weeks since my last chemo. I might be feeling better chemo wise, but it's hard to tell since this other thing is hurting so much.

I get a little excited to think about having enough energy to actually be able to do something, I mean like, really something. I want to clean my barn and get it ready for winter and set up some outside wind blocks under the lean-to for the horses. I've been keeping busy doing a lot of crocheting and I'm getting a lot of Christmas presents done . . . . but it gets a little boring. Oh and I've just about played myself to death, playing Free Cell on the computer!!

Well, that's about all I have for now. I hope all of you are doing well :)

Keep Smilin'

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