I'm getting to where I am really not liking this at ALL. I know it's temporary and it's for the best and it will be over at some point, but right now I'm not liking it!! I've been feeling OK, but last night my back/pelvic/hips area started aching so bad I could not get comfortable and it took for ever to get to sleep!! Today I was very exhausted and my back was killing me. It doesn't hurt if I do anything particular, it just hurts constantly. A deep, ache that also goes down the back of my legs.
Anyway, I called the doctor and he gave me some pain pills and a muscle relaxer that I need insurance approval for, so it will be a couple days before I get that. Thank goodness the pain pills are working!!!!!! My back feels so much better and I hope I'll sleep tonight and be able to function somewhat tomorrow!!
The doctor doesn't just want to treat the pain I'm having but he wants to try and find out what is causing it. The scheduling lady is supposed to call me to set up an appointment for an MRI to check things out.
I am feeling a bit useless these days as I'm not able to accomplish much and at the same time I have very little ambition. I'm bored but lack the energy and/or desire to do much. It's a viscous cycle!!
Here is another photo or two that I will leave you with.
Keep Smilin'

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