I'm sorry, I realize now that I said I'd write and let you know how things went at the hospital regarding my kidney infection.
I ended up going back a total of 3 times for antibiotics. The first 2 were through an IV and the 3rd one I opted for a shot in the hip. It was supposed to be a much quicker treatment, getting me out of there sooner, but it didn't end up that way. One thing about the ER is that you never want to be in a hurry when you go there!!!!!!!!!!
Thank goodness that within a couple days after the last treatment I was feeling much better. I saw my regular doctor on Monday to get my urine re-tested to make sure the infection was gone, as recommended by the hospital. The infection is gone but he said I still have some blood in my urine and it may just be the tail end of the infection but he wants me to get it checked at the lab next week where they can do a more thorough testing on it.
Tomorrow I'm heading to Sandpoint, ID for the big North Idaho Draft Horse and Mule International Show. I've been their photographer for several years, except last year when I was going through treatment. I committed to this years show much earlier this year when I thought I'd surly be feeling a whole lot better by now where the fatigue and weakness is concerned. This is a 3 1/2 day show with 2 of the days being about 14 1/2 hours long!!!!!!!!!! I'm already exhausted just trying to get ready for it!! I keep telling myself . . . I can do this, I can do this, I can do this!!!!! Wish me luck.
If I get a chance I'll post while I'm up there and let you know how it's going, but if not, I'll post for sure once I've recovered from the show and post a couple pictures too.
Oh, speaking of pictures, I just did some new one's of my granddaughter Paige so I will leave you with a collage I did with some of those photos. Hope you enjoy!!
Keep Smilin'

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