Friday, December 12, 2008

I'm filled with sadness today . . for those that don't survive . . .

With all that I have gone through, I am still so fortunate. For this I say, Thank You Jesus.

Before I got cancer I knew there were people out there with cancer and some dying from it, but boy let me tell you that once you become one of those people, it takes on a whole different role. You look at it and the people who have it, in a whole new light.

Research has come a long way for most cancers and their treatment. With breast cancer, it seems like every where you turn there is a pink ribbon. Pink ribbons and other such things that promote funding for more research.

Although things have improved tremendously and more and more people survive breast cancer, there are still a lot of women who die from this horrid disease.

Last week I received an e-mail from a well know cancer foundation asking for year end donation to help fight breast cancer. I barely glanced at the first paragraph and closed the e-mail because I didn't want to read the sad but real information is was stating. It states that "someone dies from breast cancer every 75 seconds" and that last year 40,000 families lost a loved one to this killer. I'm not sure so please don't quote me but I think the population of Coeur d'Alene is around 40,000. To put this in perspective, can you imagine everyone in Coeur d'Alene dying within a year!!

Why am I talking about all of this tonight you might be asking. Here I am near the end of my treatments, doing well, with a very positive outlook and prognosis. Well, it's because some reality jumped out and hit me today, hit me like a flippin' rock!! Someone I know, not really well, but still I know this person, I've been to her house, I've met her family, I've run into her at the cancer center, etc., is dying from breast cancer. She has known since the beginning that her prognosis was not very good. I saw her a few months ago and she was looking great, very chipper, etc. I ran into her today as we were both out shopping for Christmas. She is now very weak and has to use a walker to get around. We talked for a few minutes, not about the cancer, well we did comment on each other's hat's, as we are both still bald enough to need to wear them, but that was pretty much it about the cancer.

This hit me really hard. Here she is out shopping for Christmas and guys I have to tell you, there is a chance she might not even still be here come Christmas!! Oh my, I feel so aweful about this, but at the same time I give her so much credit. She's not letting this keep her down, she is still living life, even as she is dying. I don't know if I could be that strong. Even now, as I write this, my eyes fill with tears as the reality hits me that today I was talking to and hugged a fellow breast cancer patient and friend . . . . who is dying, really and truly dying, of this horride, horride disease.

So, if you would, please won't you all say a little prayer for all those out there who are going through this or any other difficult journey. And if you have the means, please won't you do what you can to help further the research for this and/or any other conditions that are robbing so many of their lives.

Well, I'm sorry to be writing about such a sad thing, but unfortunatly it is reality.

Hugs and Best Wishes to you all,

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