Sunday, December 28, 2008

Elf Video . . .

Hi Everyone,
I hope you enjoy the video!!
It's me and my 4 kids!!
Make sure your volume is on to get the full effect.
Too funny!!!!!

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Winter Solstice Photos

Hello Everyone,

I don't have a lot to write since my last post about my last radiation. Although I have not been feeling real good and been pretty tired the last couple of days. I'm wondering if the fatigue of radiation that they talk about is just now hitting me?

I have another blog . . .my photo blog, for those of you who may not have taken a look at it. Anyway, I took some pictures today and posted the below stuff on my photo blog and thought I'd just copy and paste it over here for those of you who are not subscribed to my photo blog.
I took some photos today for a Winter Solstice Project and wanted to share a few with you. Boy are we getting pounded with snow!!

The Dump Truck
, obviously retired for the winter.

I was using the flash on my camera and Cowboy wanted nothing to do with it, so he moved out of the shelter and wouldn't get any closer to me than this . . . .the big chicken!!

Spooky on the other hand wouldn't leave me alone, so I tossed her some hay. Put some food in front of her and she won't bug you for a little while!!

I had just finished taking pictures and was leaving the barn and I ran into Trouble. He decided the snow was too deep and followed or rather raced me back to the house!!

And here is one more of Cowboy. I used a Sepia tone on this one.

He's such a pretty boy. And as you can see my horses are fat and spoiled!! I was a little worried about how fat they were getting but then as soon as the frigid below zero temps and wind chill hit, I was really glad they had the extra layers to keep them warm.

Today when I was out there taking these photos the temperature was 10 degrees and the wind chill factor was about 7-10 BELOW zero!!
My gloves made pressing the button on the camera really difficult so I took one off for a just a little bit to take the rest of the photos . . . . wow, it's amazing how quickly those kind of cold temperatures can effect the uncovered skin!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Last Radiation Treatment was today ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Hello Everyone,

Well, I had my last radiation treatment today!! I am so happy ! ! ! ! ! ! Just knowing I don't have to get up and go to town tomorrow is such a relief!! My hubby took me out for breakfast after treatment to celebrate.

Now I just want to stay home and not have to go anywhere for about a week. This may not be too difficult to do since we have just gotten a major amount of snow since yesterday. So much snow in fact that I wasn't sure I was going to go in for my treatment this morning, but Rick was determined to get me there for the last one and have it done and over with. I'm really glad we went and that I didn't postpone it.

It wasn't too bad getting there but coming home the snow had picked up, you couldn't see where the side of the road was and general visibility was really bad and the windshield wipers kept getting a build up of ice on them. We weren't the only ones having this problem . . . at almost every red light people were getting out of their cars/trucks and cleaning off their wipers. For those of you that read this and don't live around here . . . . we got about 3 feet of snow!!!!

The doctor said that the radiation will continue to "do it's stuff" and work on my cells for a few more weeks, so my skin will continue to be effected and itch. After that it will start getting better. They also said that the effects of fatigue can continue for another 6-8 weeks. Although, compared to the fatigue I had from chemo, this has not been bad.

Well, today is also my youngest son's 19th Birthday . . . . Happy Birthday Matthew!! I love you!!

Keep Smilin'

Friday, December 12, 2008

I'm filled with sadness today . . for those that don't survive . . .

With all that I have gone through, I am still so fortunate. For this I say, Thank You Jesus.

Before I got cancer I knew there were people out there with cancer and some dying from it, but boy let me tell you that once you become one of those people, it takes on a whole different role. You look at it and the people who have it, in a whole new light.

Research has come a long way for most cancers and their treatment. With breast cancer, it seems like every where you turn there is a pink ribbon. Pink ribbons and other such things that promote funding for more research.

Although things have improved tremendously and more and more people survive breast cancer, there are still a lot of women who die from this horrid disease.

Last week I received an e-mail from a well know cancer foundation asking for year end donation to help fight breast cancer. I barely glanced at the first paragraph and closed the e-mail because I didn't want to read the sad but real information is was stating. It states that "someone dies from breast cancer every 75 seconds" and that last year 40,000 families lost a loved one to this killer. I'm not sure so please don't quote me but I think the population of Coeur d'Alene is around 40,000. To put this in perspective, can you imagine everyone in Coeur d'Alene dying within a year!!

Why am I talking about all of this tonight you might be asking. Here I am near the end of my treatments, doing well, with a very positive outlook and prognosis. Well, it's because some reality jumped out and hit me today, hit me like a flippin' rock!! Someone I know, not really well, but still I know this person, I've been to her house, I've met her family, I've run into her at the cancer center, etc., is dying from breast cancer. She has known since the beginning that her prognosis was not very good. I saw her a few months ago and she was looking great, very chipper, etc. I ran into her today as we were both out shopping for Christmas. She is now very weak and has to use a walker to get around. We talked for a few minutes, not about the cancer, well we did comment on each other's hat's, as we are both still bald enough to need to wear them, but that was pretty much it about the cancer.

This hit me really hard. Here she is out shopping for Christmas and guys I have to tell you, there is a chance she might not even still be here come Christmas!! Oh my, I feel so aweful about this, but at the same time I give her so much credit. She's not letting this keep her down, she is still living life, even as she is dying. I don't know if I could be that strong. Even now, as I write this, my eyes fill with tears as the reality hits me that today I was talking to and hugged a fellow breast cancer patient and friend . . . . who is dying, really and truly dying, of this horride, horride disease.

So, if you would, please won't you all say a little prayer for all those out there who are going through this or any other difficult journey. And if you have the means, please won't you do what you can to help further the research for this and/or any other conditions that are robbing so many of their lives.

Well, I'm sorry to be writing about such a sad thing, but unfortunatly it is reality.

Hugs and Best Wishes to you all,

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Only 5 treatments left!!!!!!!

Hello Everyone,

Well, I am really starting to get excited as I only have 5 more radiation treatments and then I am DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow, it's been a long and trying road, but the worst is almost over!!

I saw the doctor today, as I usually do once a week. It's usually a quick visit to check my skin and see how I am doing. He was a bit surprised at just how red my skin has gotten. I asked him if it was a normal and/or average amount of redness and he said no, that I am above normal. That my skin has been effected quite a bit more than normal.
I'm using all the lotions and potions that I am supposed to, but I guess it just goes to show that it really is different for everyone. Good thing is that it's really not hurting, but it can get to itching like crazy!!

They are doing the smaller more concentrated radiation now that focuses on the area where the tumor was. It involves the more sensitive parts of the whole area (i.e., scar from surgery & the nipple), so I am hoping that those areas don't get a lot worse before it's over. I guess we'll see what happens.

Oh boy, only 5 left!! I can't express enough just how great that sounds!!!!

Keep Smilin'

Friday, December 5, 2008

Update on radiation, hair & teeth

Today is then end of week 5 of radiation, I now have 1 1/2 weeks left. Up until now I've been doing pretty good about going to town every stinkin' day for radiation. But now it's starting to get old. It started yesterday and I'm feeling it again this morning . . . . I don't want to go!! Radiation is a quick and easy process so that is not the problem. The problem is that I'm just tired of it all. My skin is burnt and itching like crazy. I think I'm starting to feel the fatigue associated with radiation.

Next week on Tuesday they start the new, more concentrated dose of radiation, aimed more specifically on the area where my tumor was. This will be good for the rest of the area that is now burnt as it will have a chance to really start healing. But the 2 areas I'm most worried about and the only places that sometimes hurt from this, are in the area that will continue to get the more concentrated doses.

I have to keep telling myself . . . after today . . . . . only 9 more treatments and then I'll be done!! I can do this, I can do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God, please help me do this!!

Also, yesterday, Dec 4, 2008 I started the bisphosphonate drug study. I have to take 2 of these horse sized pills every morning before I eat or drink anything.

My hair continues to grow!! Slowly but shurly it is growing and I'm seeing more and more dark hairs coming in . . . . yipee!! I really hope the dark hair continues because I really just do not want to color my hair anymore!!! I'm going to be very tempted to not color it even if it comes in with a lot of gray. Gray hair is the only reason I've colored my hair for so many years and I'm just not looking forward to doing that again.

My new teeth are doing ok. The bottom one's do not fit very well so I don't wear them very much. Unlike the top teeth, you can't tell that I don't have the bottom one's in. The denturist won't realign them (to fit better) until after my gums have healed, as they will continue to shrink until them. So I'm stuck with these for a little while and doing the best I can to sort of eat more solid type foods.

Well, I must get ready to go for radiaiton.

Keep Smilin'