Hi Everyone,
This last week has been a busy one, so I haven't really had time to write. Several things that I want to mention. First, I want to clarify, in case there was a misunderstanding with the way I worded it. When I got my MRI results back and said there was no cancer, I should have said, No Additional Cancer. The MRI was for my lower back where I've been having some pain and the doctor wanted to make sure the cancer had not spread to that area. The good new was that it had NOT spread. But what is causing my back pain is that I have degenerative disc disease. I saw my primary doctor today and she went over the MRI results with me. Of course the wording is kind of greek to me, but there are a few problems with my lower back. My doctor is sending the report to a back specialist to see if there is something that needs to be done at this time or in the near future. So, the bottom line is that she read me the report and we know what it says, but we really don't know what it means!! I will let you all know more as soon as I hear anything.
OK, now for the cancer stuff. I believe I mentioned that I did not get the nulasta shot after my last chemo treatment. The nulasta shot causes my body to produce more white blood cells, since the chemo zaps them and this is not good. The shot was causing me a lot of pain and my white blood count had been very, very good so the doctor thought we'd try it without the shot and see what happens. Because I didn't have the shot I had to go in for blood test on day 9 after chemo to check these white blood cell counts. Well that was last Friday and I didn't hear anything so I figured all was OK. Well, they called me today and said that my white blood cell count was very low on Friday and they wanted me re-tested today to see if it's improved or not. I got a call this afternoon and NO, they have not improved, they are still very low. So I had to go back in and get a shot. Although it causes my body to produce more white blood cells, it is different than the Nulasta shot that I did not get. AND I have to have 3 of these shots, 1 each day for 3 days!!! I think next time I'll just get the nulasta shot!!
I do hope the shots work because if my counts are down they will not do my next chemo treatment, which just prolongs everything. Also, if it gets too bad and doesn't improve, they could do a blood transfusion. I will of course keep you posted as things happen.
As I mentioned above, this has been a busy week. Last Sunday, Aug. 31st was my nieces and step-son's birthday. My sister put together a joint birthday party at her house. The theme was Super Hero's and some folks dressed up. It turned out really nice and everyone had a BLAST!! Donna, thank you again for doing all of that!!!!! Then on Tuesday school started, so we spent the last week getting the kids ready for that. The first couple of days have gone well for both of them!!
Here are a couple of pictures of 2 different rose's at my mom's house. They are so pretty. I don't have roses in my yard yet, but next year I will plant some.
Keep Smilin'

Hi Wendy,
Just wanted to check in and say Hi! Glad you're hanging in there and over half way through with your chemo treatments. Only two more to go right?
I did make it to the Rodeo - looked for you on the wagon, but didn't see you so figured you probably weren't feeling up to it. Darrell and I both wore pink shirts. It was great seeing all the tough cowboys in pink shirts too! The Rodeo was great - so sorry you missed it.
I think of you often and you are always in my prayers.
Hi Kimberly,
Great to hear from you, thank you for leaving a comment.
From what I heard the gal putting on the wagon ride for the cancer survivors didn't call anyone and it didn't happen like it was supposed to. But no I was not feeling well, so I wouldn't have been there anyway.
I'm glad you and Darrell were able to get there and had a nice time. It's the first time in years that I've not been able to go to the fair and/or rodeo!!
I just had my 5th of 6 chemo treatments, so just one more to go!!
I'm getting ready to write a new post so I can get everyone updated.
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