Tomorrow I go see the surgeon for a follow-up visit to see how I'm doing and healing since surgery. I can't wait to talk to him and tell him about this tendon or what ever that is hurting me so much.
Wednesday I am hoping to do my daughters and her friends senior pictures. They are running out of time to get them in the yearbook, but they keep putting it off. The weather is supposed to be nice and hopefully Chelsea will be feeling better too. She has had a really bad cold the last couple of days.
Thursday I have my pre-chemo doctor visit and blood work done.
Friday I have my LAST chemo treatment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The time has gone by pretty darn fast. I can't wait to see how I will be feeling after not having chemo for a while. I'm hoping all of my aches and pains will go away!! Then I'm sure I'll be complaining to you all about having to drive to town every day for radiation . . . . . we are never happy . . . LOL We have an apple tree by the barn. The apples aren't worth eating but the deer and the horses love them. I got some of the apples the other day and made a trail of them that led into my back yard. I'm hoping to be able to see the deer out my kitchen window. Well today all but 2 of the apples are gone and one of them has a bit out of it. But did I get to see the deer eating them, NO . . .but I know it was the deer that got them cuz', they left deer poop behind. I hope those of you that have signed up to be notified of new post are getting the notice. I did not get a notice after publishing my last post, so I don't know if you did either. If I don't get a notice on this one I may e-mail you all. Well, the eyelids are getting heavy and it's not quite 8:30pm yet. I hope you are all doing well and I want to thank you all for subscribing to my blog and for all the positive thoughts and prayers that you send my way.
I'm working on some new note cards that I will be offering for sale on my photo website. Here are a couple of examples.
Keep Smilin'