Hi Everyone,
I saw my oncologist yesterday. I left his office thinking I was going to start chemo next week on Thursday. My mom went with me and later she said something about me starting chemo this week. I said . . ummm, I thought they said next week, she said no, it's probably this week.
Well, I guess that's why it's good to have someone go with you on appts like this. They called me today and had me come in for an orientation type of class on the chemo treatment process. I asked her about when I was supposed to start chemo and she said "I have you scheduled for this Thursday at 11:20am". I just kind of went . . . oh, ok.
I've got to tell you that all the sudden I got kind of scared. For some reason thinking I had a little more than a week before it all started didn't seem so bad. Then all the sudden it's right there in my face . . . . Thursday . . . 2 days from today!!!
I went in for the orientation, then they sent me down for blood work, which I have to have done every 3 weeks before my chemo treatment. This is how they monitor many things on how my body is handling the chemo.
My mom is going to go with me on Thursday for the first treatment. They say you need a ride the first time because you just don't know how you may react to treatment. Some of the anti nausea drugs they give you can make you sleepy, etc. and you wouldn't want to drive if that happens.
The whole process is supposed to take about 3 1/2 hours. The nurse said the first one is usually the worst because people are also nervous, anxious and stressed because they are not sure of the whole process and what is going to happen exactly.
I know everyone reacts differently to chemo and to radiation as well. But it's also a little confusing because almost everyone says . . . "it's not that bad, they've come a long way, etc., etc.", then in the next breath I see a slide show about possible side effects.
Although they have lots of medicine to help combat many of these, it's still a little scary.
Fatigue is a big one and although I hear lots of people work through it, I also hear that some people cannot hardly function. The slide show said that people feel about 50-60% of normal during treatment and for a number of months after treatment is complete. To me having only 1/2 of my normal energy level is a biggie!!
Nausea & vomiting . . . these can, but really shouldn't be much of a concern. But if I do feel these, I just need to let them know so they can change my Anit-nausea medicine.
Mouth Sores . . . canker sores, thrush, etc., hmmm, sounds like fun.
Hair loss . . . I'm being very positive about this, but I'm sure that when my hair actually starts falling out that I am going to FREAK!!!!
Diarrhea and/or Constipation . . . . again there are lots of medicines that help these things, but still.
Blood Count . . .this is another biggie. Red blood cell count goes down . . . . possible anemia.
White blood cell count goes down . . . .more acceptable to infection and/or getting sick. And the Platelets, which are the blood clotting cells. . . . I may bruise easier, gums may bleed, etc.
OK, well there are more but those are the major ones. CRAP, I'm still not too sure about all this stuff!!
I go tomorrow for another hair cut, probably my last for a while. I just might have her cut it really, really short this time. I've heard it's not as traumatic to loose it when it's short, compared to when it's longer. And I can start loosing my hair as soon as 10 days after the first treatment or it can take longer . . . again, it's different for everyone.
I also finally see the dermatologist tomorrow for that cyst problem I mentioned in an earlier post. Seems like it has taken forever to get in to see them!!
Well, I think that's all for now. I'll write more after my treatment and let you know how it all went. I'll leave you now with this cute photo I took the other day.

Ok, yea it all sounds very scary and I don't blame you for being scared. I certainly would be. Now we just have to think positively.
You know how when they take you in for any kind of surgery they give you this big long list of everything that could possibly happen even though the chances are remote? And all of it is scary enough to make you want to say no-way! Well, you just got that list. Sure, maybe the worst will happen and you will start losing your hair quickly or be really tired or sick to your stomach, but maybe you won't. Maybe you will be one of those people who will slide by.
Think on the positive side of things. Don't dwell on the negative until they actually happen. Stress can make many of the same symptoms appear as the chemo so stay positive!
Ok, say something not so fun happens; you can and will deal with it as it comes up and then in a few months it will be over and gone. Nothing that happens over the next several weeks/months of chemo and radiation will last forever. They will end and things will get back to normal. Focus on the day you are back to feeling like yourself again and that day will come faster than you think possible now. Think if it as a big hill that you have to get over. Every step takes you that much closer to the crest and then it is downhill all the way. And lucky you, you have a lot of people behind you helping you to get to the top and down the otherside.
Hang in there and try to keep positive. I find that denial works pretty well in situations like this. I am, after all, the Queen of De-Nile. Want to join my little country?
Ok, ok, I'll lay off for now. Just know that I'm here for you. Find a good book or take your laptop and work while they give you your IV. Keep your mind off of it. You will be fine. I have faith.
Luv ya,
Hi Wendy,
Your story reminded me so much of an experience I had with my Mom 2 years ago when she was diagnosed with Leukemia and the doctor said he wanted to start her on Chemo. I went with her to the orientation - our experience was just as you described - very scary stuff! I was glad I was there to hold her hand. It's just like Pam said about "the list" - try not to think about what "might" happen.
You are a strong women Wendy, and I know you will get through this! The sooner you get started the sooner it will be over and your life will get back to normal.
My thoughts & prayers will be with you on Thursday. If you ever need a ride to a treatment and/or help & support afterwards, I'm here for you.
ok, all I really can say on this matter is - take whatever medicine they give you for constipation- do not mess around with that....or think that your pooper is invinceable- its not...I learned this the hard way;) You are going to be uncomfortable enough...and secondly, start looking for really distracting novels- murder mysteries, romance, something exciting and enthralling that will distract you a bit- this will help to get your mind of everything and if they have sequels even better- you might not have time to stress out, you have to read the next book;) love you! riah
Hey there ! I see you are off and running. You go girl ! Rememer to "KEEP FAITH"!! Gosh, I am sure busy letting time fly without blinking. I can not seem to catch up on anything. I am keeping you close to my heart though ! Lot's of prayers. Hope to give you a quick call soon.
Love ya,
Hi Pam,
You always say the right things, thank you!! I'm really not dwelling on the negative. Actually I'm really, really trying to dwell on the positive . . .when ever I can find it!! But I am aware of and prepared for the worst . . .or so I think, until it really happens, if it ever does. But yes, Positive thoughts is what it all about. You are way to funny, I love your humor, please keep it coming!! Can I be your right hand woman in that country of De-Nile?!?!?!?
Thank you so much for writing. And thank you for the offer of help if I ever need it. I can't imagine what it must have been like for you to go through that with your mom, pretty tough I'm sure. My hubby has been great and very supportive, but if he's working my mom has been going with me to things. Kind of opposite of what you did with your mom. I know she had to of appreciated you being there, just like I do my mom being there!!
Hey girl. I was thinking of you today!! Hope all is well with you and we'll catch up soon. Thanks a bunch for writing!!
You are the icing on the cake. I love you so much and your humor will definitely be needed and appreciated as time goes on. My pooper . . . .that is too funny!!
Love you!!
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