Before the week gets to much busier with Christmas just a few days away, I want to take a minute and wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas!!!!!
I also want to thank everyone who has followed my blog and my journey with breast cancer. Things are getting to a point and have been for a little while that there is not much to report. This is a good thing :)
December 18th was one year since I totally completed cancer treatment. I am cancer free, but still suffer from fatigue and some lower back/pelvic pain. I am very, very thankful to have made it through all of this as a Survivor!!!!
I will keep this blog up for a while but I probably won't post much unless something new comes up, but we'll hope it does not!!!
Please feel free to email me if you ever want to and you can always check my photo blog for current stuff I'm working on. Here is a link for easy access if you are interested Wild Spirit Photo
Again, thank you all and God Bless,