Friday, March 13, 2009

Just saying HI

Not much going on with me lately and I guess that is a GOOD thing!!!

I'm feeling OK, still struggling with fatigue, but I'm trying to do more and more. I can't wait for Spring to hit and for all this snow to go away!!!! Then I can work in the yard and get my barn organized and all kinds of outside stuff. I'd much rather do outside stuff than inside stuff!!

Here are a few photos that I took the other evening and wanted to share with you all.

Keep Smilin'

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Me and my new hair

Hello Everyone,

Well I decided it's time to be brave and upload a photo of myself showing you my hair. This last week is the first time I've left the house without a hat on . . . it was a big step for me!!

I get lots of compliments on it and I know people are trying to be nice. I actually don't mind it being short but I just wish I had some bangs, but they are growing so slow!!!!

It's hard to tell from this photo, as it looks mostly gray here, but I really do have a lot of dark hair, but it's under the gray and is much more noticeable in person.

I'm sure my "new look" will be a shocker for some people when they first see me. I look pretty different than when I was first diagnosed with breast cancer. Although I have to admit that I had a lot of gray hair, in fact I was mostly gray but no-one knew it because I have colored it for years!! My mom and daughters keep telling me to spike it!! Actually I would try it, but either it's not quite long enough or it's too thick because I can't get it to stay up!!

My daughter tells me that short is in and that gray is the new blond. Don't know if it's true, but if it is then I'll fit right in :)

I hope everyone is doing well.
Keep Smilin'